
August 5, 2020
TQR is looking for editors to join our small network of editors and artists. Deadline October 1st, 2020.
About our Press:
Our digital press publishes issues of The Review once every month alongside our featured columns, which premiere less regularly and are edited by our contributing editors (for examples of our columns, see Show Abysmal and Digital Performance Series.)
Since we began in early March of this year, what started as a weekly-issued review of artists mining from their experience of state-mandated isolation has evolved into a multifaceted experimental arts journal with forthcoming ventures in print, in-person events and our newly minted “less” press imprint.
The Positions:
As our reader base widens and our vision for TQR expands, we are aspiring to build a diverse team of editors and artists who are willing to commit to the project for the duration, motivated by the opportunity to grow with the publication.
We are committed to keeping our digital space accessible and free, therefore our current editorial team is completely volunteer-run. Our team of editors work together to set the direction of each issue and have great impact on the editorial choices our journal takes.
This position would be ideal for someone who is looking for part-time editorial experience, but most importantly experience that would grant them creative control over a project. An ideal candidate would have introductory editorial experience, demonstrate knowledge of the contemporary art and literary landscape, and be creating work that is experimental, or pushing against convention within their respective discipline.
There are two editorial positions available:
Assistant Editor:
As Assistant Editor you would be responsible for helping manage an editorial schedule, communicating with artists, while soliciting for, and editing issues of, The Review as they premiere each month. As editor, you would also help manage our social media platforms and compose email campaigns and monthly newsletters.
Contributing Editor (Column Editor):
Contributing Editors should express a deep commitment to a particular discipline (fine art, criticism, performance art, review, fiction, film etc.) and are responsible for controlling the creative direction and publication schedule of their own column.
If applying for this position, please send a paragraph pitching the idea for the column you would like to host. This is position is accepted upon the approval of the proposed column idea, alongside a CV/ experience that indicates your ability to manage the project.
How to Apply:
Email Emily at: with the name of the position you are applying for in the subject line. Include a copy of your resume or CV alongside a cover letter that includes the following:
How you learned about TQR and your reason for applying
If you are applying for a Contributing Editor position, include a paragraph about your column and a list of 5 artists you would ask to be involved/ solicit work from
If applying for an Assistant Editor position, create a list of 8-10 artists you would solicit work from
What have you been reading, listening to, watching etc. lately?
Include links to your own work, if available
EST 2020
EST 2020