Poetry by:LILY LADY
i often think about
cargo pants that unzip to become shorts
transitioning effortlessly
you can do whatever you want in this life
is there anything better
than a waffle at 2am
with crunchy peanut butter & honey drizzle?
the testosterone makes my face warm
glow from the light of the toaster oven
all i want
is a blowjob every night for the rest of my
is that too much to ask?
are you there, God? it’s me, mark
my words mean nothing
sweating through the sheets i can’t believe
it’s not butter
Riley says what’s with the they them pronouns
caution do not enter
a locked door the west side pier
Tourmaline’s face
in the orange crush sunset
i don't believe in death
she says
my chest aches
i Want
to buy the Celtics
& move them to New York
my bag is full
of shoplifted granola bars
my therapist says it’s time to be more
sexually mature
on the A train
someone who was asleep until now
leans forward & throws up
it runs like melted strawberry shortcake
towards my feet
the train stops in between stations
Ladies and Gentlemen:
we are experiencing a momentary delay
i start throwing up, too
i’m an ~empath~
i have my mantra
in my notes app
with my other passwords
nothing is struck from the minutes
in the board meeting
i wear a cherry-patterned tank top
i pull my underwear to the side
for anyone
with a blue check
they’re boxers
did you expect lingerie?
the neon sign outside says
hurch of chrst
a meme / image description ::
a woman’s legs in two different shoes
the left foot in a diamond stiletto
the right foot in an air jordan high top
the caption ::
my 2 personalities
i drink a low sodium v8
on the phone with my Mother
she says something
about science and grammar
in Ulysses
James Joyce wrote
it is an age of exhausted whoredom
groping for its God
there’s a bitcoin ATM at the popeyes
Sam recommends a cup of chaga tea
a tincture of lemon balm, milk thistle
the weather’s nice today
i call my Mother back
i’m not screaming at you
i’m screaming with you
i take a personality quiz
turns out
i’ve tried a lot of foods from the early 2000s
more than most
meaning i’m adventurous, not afraid to march
to the beat of my own drum
my ears hurt
from the day rave
at the warehouse above the kindergarten
the ketamine is cut with meth
nothing bad happens in the daytime
in scary movies
i always get up to go to the bathroom
at the climax
& i never break a nail
because i never lift a finger
Follow Lily:
Instagram: @ladylilz
Lily Lady is a writer based in New York City. Their recent work is in b l u s h, PanPan Press and Bureau of Complaint. They run a free biweekly poetry workshop, which can be found at the instagram @_scribe_tribe.More From This Issue...
EST 2020
EST 2020